Dragonspear Castle
The Secret Files
Daggerford's populationThe vast majority of Daggerford's population are humans, and our other notable majority are halflings; some gnomes have moved recently to the area, and twenty miles to the north has a dwarf population who have reclaimed the ancient caverns of Illefarn. Nonetheless, the area is ruled by elves: the royal family is of moon elven blood, and they can be defined as benevolent, albeit a bit whimsical; however, the elves are in clear minority in the area. In the end of 1366, population census says thusly:
Other beings are also regularly sighted at Daggerford: the Bardello is run by Jamin, the four-armed aasimar, and Lia, who is an avariel — a winged elf. Another regular sight is Fraen, one of the teachers in the House of Magic, who is also a winged being: a half-fey. A fire genasi is in charge of a temple behind some hills at Daggerford (along with Lia, who is really, really, really doing this as a hobby, and this temple is in no way affiliated with the government, although occasional cooperation may occur). Some friendly drow and half-drow have been visiting the city, and one of the oddest sights in Daggerford has been a modron — a planar being who resembles a cube — wandering the streets of the city and tending the House of Magic's library. #84 — as this is its name — is currently residing in Dragonspear Castle as city wizard. At the moment (by the end of 1366) population is growing rapidly: new people are moving into the area each year. The city design does its best to take care of special needs of its residents, and house designs accomodating racial needs is available at request. Daggerford's older population is best described as stoic: they have been through a disappearance of the old city, a war against an insane lich and his minions, not to mention the city's eccentric ruling body, whose antics are sometimes rather chaotic, often amusing and always mind-boggling. Newcomers tend to be spooked by sudden runs of a dire bear (who is the Queen herself), the Queen's mother Silena and her retinue, the trickstery nature of Fraen, the spooky band of witch-halflings, the manic performers of the Bardello, the really uninhibited behavior of Lia and her crew, and so on. This, however, tends to wear out in a couple of month, and if they decide to stay around long enough, they will get accustomed to the weirdest things possible... Another word to describe population is educated: free education is available for everyone, and children are required to attend school regularly; adults can take classes as well, during evenings. Finally, Daggerford is fairly well-organized: people are taught proper procedures, able-bodied (of both genders) are required to attend militia training lessons, or at least evacuation and emergency training. Daggerford Region: