- Population
- Notable people
- Local legends & history
- Rumors of note
- Known dangers
- Inns & Taverns
- Entertainment
- Temples
- Services, shops
- Government buildings
- Living in Daggerford
- Geographical information
Dragonspear Castle
- Population
- Notable people
- Local legends & history
- Rumors of note
- Known dangers
- Inns & Taverns
- Entertainment
- Temples
- Services, shops
- Government buildings
- Living in Dragonspear Castle
- Geographical information
The Secret Files
Chapters not included in public records and available only at “need to know”-basis
Current and future government programs
Project theme for year 1367: Improving farming, soil and environment:
- Spells researched by Chauntea's temple:
- Spells researched by Tymora's temple:
- Spells researched by Lathander's temple:
- Alchemical goods researched by the House of Magic and temples:
- Funding reserved: 28,000 gp, 7,000 gp per facility.
Project theme for year 1366: Anti-undead measures:
- Spells researched by Lathander's temple: Death Ward, Mass
- Spells researched by Tymora's temple: Ghost Touch Weapon
- Spells researched by Chauntea's temple: Incorporeal Nova
These spells are shared between temples and the government has a grant of twenty free spells cast, each, for purposes of enchantment (all components provided by the government). |